The John Hutton Screen

The John Hutton Screen (1968)

Engraved glass screens by John Hutton.

The engraved screen by John Hutton has two themes: Tyneside’s great inventions of the 19th Centaury and figures from mythology. The smaller section shows Roman deities and other legends associated with the city. There is Coventina, goddess of the well, with three intertwined figures of nymphs of the streams; the Celtic warrior goddess Brigantia; Mythras slayering the bull; and three Celtic goddesses who were known as the ‘Three Mothers’.

The larger section represents four inventions that made a fundamental contribution to world civilisation: Stephenson’s Killingworth engine, which led to the steam locomotive; Parson's marine steam turbine 'Turbinia'; Swan's incandescent lamp; and Armstrong's rifled gun. Hutton is also known for his engraving of the west window at Coventry Cathedral.